The Private Profile feature on Currently allows you to control who sees your updates/moments, ensuring that only your followers can access your posts.
Here’s a breakdown of how Private Profiles work and how to switch between private and public visibility:
What are Private Profiles?
Private profiles limit update/moment posts visibility to followers only, requiring others to request access.
Posting Updates/Moments:
When your profile is private, you control who sees your updates/moments.
Followers must send a request, and upon approval, they gain access to your posted moments.
Making Your Profile Private / Public:
To set your profile as private, follow these steps:
How to Update Your Profile for Private Visibility
Tap Your Profile (top right) on the app interface.
Open the Menu (Ξ) Button.
Tap Edit Privacy.
Enable “Private/public”
A pop-up message will Notify: “Your Profile is now Private / Public”.